This data is published by Office for Rail and Road and covers the period from January 5th to February 1st, 2025.
This shows the percentage of services that were scheduled but did not call the station (cancellation).
564 Service has been cancelled
Of Bradford Interchange's 4,843 services, 6.44% have been cancelled, which amounts to 312.
Of Bradford Forster Square's 4,241 services, 5.94% have been cancelled. This corresponds to 252.
This means that a total of 564 services have been cancelled at the station over that month.
Complete list of Bradford District Station Cancellation
The data breaks down individual stations throughout the Bradford area.
But many of these services would have called at several stations throughout the district.
For example, services at Lowmoor would have been scheduled to halt at Bradford Interchange.
This is a complete list of Bradford District Bureaus ordered by the percentage of services that have been cancelled.
Bradford Interchange4,843 6.44% Frisation4,147 6.03% Saltre3,285 5.97% Bradford Forster Square4,241 5.94% Cross Flat3,285 4,027 5.54% Baildon1,301 5.53% Burley Inn – Warfedal3,186 5.12% Benrydoding3,186 5.12% Menston3,186 5.08% Ilkley3,186 4.96% Esperry Bridge1,726 4.81%