A Million Dreams, a musical showcase produced by Steve Coates Music Productions and featuring more than 100 performers, will be at the Grand Opera Theater this Saturday (January 25th) in support of a good cause. It will be held at the house.
As previously reported by The Press, the show hopes to raise £10,000 for the Snappy Trust, with all proceeds going to support the charity, which has worked in York for nearly 30 years and supports families. It is scheduled to be held this weekend. children with disabilities.
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The idea to host this showcase came after producer Steve Coates decided to donate theater tickets from his past shows to a York-based charity. Snappy took on this role, and many young people with learning disabilities began coming to see the show. .
After witnessing the joy young members had, he felt he had to get involved and host his own performance to contribute to the charity.
The event itself will see 100 performers take to the stage, including performers from Big Band Sound, Flying Ducks Youth Theater and Steve Coates himself, performing classic pieces of musical theater. Some of these performances also include Makaton's signature.
The group hopes to raise £10,000, which it says is “a lot of money for one night's performance” but could be done if all seats in the Grand Opera House were sold.
“The ticket price is the same as four take-out coffees, but the benefits last a lifetime,” event organizers said.
The event is sponsored by media partner YO1 Radio, and Wayne Chadwick, Managing Director of YO1 Radio, said: It's a very worthy cause.
“YO1 Radio has supported The Snappy Trust in the past and we are delighted to be involved in this production. We have enjoyed promoting ‘A Million Dreams’ and our I think the team is really looking forward to being a part of this night.”
Tickets for the event are still available for purchase on the Grand Opera House website.