The conference, held at the offices of law firm Shawfield Sweeney in Leeds, covered growth plans, budgets, care sector issues, manufacturing and international trade opportunities, infrastructure, regional connectivity and changes to the planning system. , a wide range of topics were covered.
A WNYCC spokesperson said discussions also included “how Yorkshire can be a key catalyst for the wider economy”.
Those in attendance included Azets' Victoria Wainwright. Adam Brickell of Flutter. Akira Chowdhury, Vice-President of Leeds Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Amanda Beresford of Sheffield Sweeney. Chris Black, Director of Leeds Chamber of Commerce and Industry. WNYCC CEO James Mason. and Mark Cassi, WYNCC policy director.
Mr Mason said: “It was an honor to host the Prime Minister today.
“West and North Yorkshire Chambers exists to work with the public and private sectors and the extensive discussions were fruitful.”