The Beechcliff site, to the west of the A629, close to the Hard Ings roundabout, is being redeveloped as an eight-acre industrial park aimed at addressing the “high demand” for employment land in the town.
Around £7m of the Keighley Towns Fund will be used to prepare the Bradford City-owned brownfield site for development, with works including building a new access road.
It is then sold to a developer.
Public sidewalks on the site will be maintained.
When the plans were first announced in 2023, Bradford City Council said it would bring around 300 jobs to the town centre.
Last year, the Keighley Towns Foundation Board appointed Mr Balfour Beatty to take charge of site inspection and preparation.
At the last Bradford Council meeting in 2024, members were given an update on major regeneration plans.
Beech Cliff Ruins (Image: T&A)
Councilor Paul Godwin (Lab, Kayleigh West) asked: “We know our district needs more employment sites to enable business and job growth and creation, and nowhere is that more true than in Keighley and Eyre Valley.
“Can the Portfolio Holder provide an update on the Keighley Towns Fund project which will deliver the Beechcliff brownfield site as a site where new jobs can be created?”
The response from Councilor Alex Ross-Shaw, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Planning and Transport, said: “I agree that there is a high demand for employment places across the district, but particularly in and around Keighley.
“We have already unlocked the Provident Park site in Keighley through the Towns Fund. The council-owned site, known as Beechcliff, was identified as a priority project in the Keighley Towns Fund bid and is currently being progressed. are.
“The aim is to progress the redevelopment of the brownfield site for employment with the required improved access to the site.
“Extensive field work has been carried out during 2024 and a preliminary plan has been agreed that meets the Towns Fund objectives, takes into account planning constraints and can be delivered within the available budget.
“From this initial work, further detailed design work will be carried out in early 2025 with a view to submitting a planning application in the spring and, if approved, allowing work to begin on site in late 2025. ”
The Keighley Towns Fund is £33m of cash given by the then Conservative Government for the regeneration of the town.