Famous for its hit tequila, Terrorvision will be supporting Boston Rock Icons Extreme at Halifax's The Piece Hall this summer.
Formed in 1988 in Bradford, the band signed EMI in 1991 and exploded into the rock scene with their attitude debut album Formaldehyde.
This was followed by an album produced in New York in 1994, which made friends, influenced people, Singles Oblivion and Alice, and what was wrong.
A remix of 1998 album track Tequila Number 2 on the UK singles chart.
Reunion was released in 2024 with Terrorvision released We are not Robots! September.
Mark Yates, 2009, a 2009 teleror vision guitarist (Image: Lucy Ray)
“A whole new desire for sound in Terrorvision”
“It seems like they've really started a whole new desire for the sound of Terror Vision,” said band guitarist Mark Yates.
“It seems the band's popularity has failed.
“We have been selling out places very quickly these days.
He added: “I had a busy year because of the success of my new album.
“We are out on March 8th, and we will tour the UK in May and tour to Ireland.
“There are many festivals, including Glastonbury.”
Band performing at Bingly Live in 2008 (Photo: Lucy Ray)
Bradford in the 90s
Mark recalled what Bradford's rise was like as a band, and how the industry has changed over the years.
He said: “When we grew up in the mid- to late '80s, it was a great time. Everyone was in the band.
“Bradford was a very exciting scene, especially the West End.”
Mark said: “At the time we were getting rehearsal space.
“There were no studios in fact, they didn't exist in Little Germany, but they couldn't afford to go there.
“Times have changed and people have realized that bands need rehearsal space.
“We still rehearse in Bradford, we meet a few times a week, thrust our songs and laugh.
“We kept it local all the time. It seems like a lot of bands are moving to London, but we didn't understand that.”
Terrorvision and Bradford Live
In this week's news, Bradfor Drive is run by Trafalgar Entertainment and opens in the fall, but does Terrvision like to play there?
Bradford Drive (Image: T&A) Mark said:
“We just had the No. 3 album, and it was never mentioned in the 2025 push, but if everything is right, we can be happy to play.
“It's good to see it as a venue. My parents saw the Beatles at Odeon.”