PickerSgill submits a solar power (PV) permit on the roof of Kirklees Park's PickerSgill Home in Mill Hill Lane in Clighouse. I did.
The solar panel is located within 1 meter from the outer edge of the roof, close to the listed property, requires a plan permission, and also applies the consent of the listed buildings.
This site is not a facility or monument that is listed itself, but it corresponds to the carcrees park in the Grade II Registered Park.
The historic Kirklies Park, England, is also related to the landscapes of car Cleys Hall, pleasure, garden, and the legend of Robin Hood, which contains the archeological site of the Middle Ages (Car Create Monastery).
This place is selected because it is not very noticeable in the surrounding properties such as Kirklees Priction and Kirklees Hall at the time of installation.
According to the support statement of the application created by Geo Green Power, the solar PV module used is the Canadian Solar 440W panel.
Array can generate a peak evaluation of 90.2kW.
GEO GREEN POWER states that the system will be designed and installed by evaluating the effects of aesthetics and surrounding areas.
To meet the local requirements, be careful to use a pitched roof mount system to confirm that it is non -permanent installation. Therefore, the support statement claims to eliminate the need to fix the mount system to concrete.
Each of the 205 modules has a 3.2mm reinforced glass front cover with a reflective coating, and there are no desirable side effects related to the glare that reflects light.
Solar panels have stated their support statements on the roof facing the northeast.
If the PV system is no longer operated, the system will be deleted immediately.
The design and access statement submitted with the application described as follows: “The proposed site is a home farm, a property in Brig House, West Yorkshire. This type of installation is usually based on permitted development because the solar panel is within 1 m. Planning is required for the outer edge and the proximity to the property.
Applications -25/00029/Ful and 25/00030/LBC -can be viewed on the Council's planning portal.