Launched in June 2017, the club has over 2,500 readers and brings together talented photographers from across York, North Yorkshire and East Yorkshire to share their work and exchange tips. , and participate in themed monthly prize contests.
The winner of the competition will receive a monthly prize of £50.
Themes for 2024 included “Love,” “Shadow,” and “York in Black and White.”
Today we're sharing the winning images from January to May.
January's winner – Ann Howard Webb, with the theme “Something New” – Ann posted a photo of her first grandchild, Xander.
February – The theme was 'Love' and Matt Lightfoot captured one of Rountree Park's two 'Love Birds' swans and a second creative composition that perfectly captured the theme. I submitted two photos and won an award.
March Winner – The theme was 'York in Black and White' and we loved Michel Sorel's images of the bustling city.
April Winner – The theme was 'Spring in York' and Lisa Young's image from outside York Minster won the top prize.
May's winner – The theme was 'Going Out' and the award went to Joy Stead for her amazing shot of a robin riding a football in the garden.
Join our club!
Want to see your photos in The Press or online?
To join the free club, simply search for “The Press Camera Club” on Facebook. We invite you to see what our region looks like through your lens.
We regularly feature photos from our camera club in The Press and online.
If you want to see more photos from York, you can also follow us on Instagram