Drew Scott and Jonathan Scott were the mainstays of home improvement for almost 15 years. Their first show, aptly named Property Brothersdebuted on HGTV in 2011 and made them into common names. Formula is simple: Drew is a real estate agent, Jonathan is a contractor, together, They will make your home dream come true.
When he's not in the middle of a major renovation, Jonathan Scott is a serious chef. And while that may be a point of contention, he says that cooking is better than Drew. “My diet tends to have more flavor, but certainly they may not be that healthy,” he said. HGTV Magazine.
There's one recipe that Jonathan especially loves to make, and he's been perfecting it for decades..
What is Jonathan's nostalgic recipe?
After all, the surname “Scott” is a rather literal reference to the Scottish origins of the family. And there is that Classic British recipes What both Drew and Jonathan grew up eating: Yorkshire pudding.
Yorkshire pudding may sound like a dessert, but it's actually tasty Suful. It can offer this light, crispy side of meat chosen for a hearty meal.
Apparently, Jonathan began making his own version of Yorkshire Plin in college, so he had enough time to complete his technique. “The timing is combined so I keep cooking when it comes out of the oven, so I'll raise it and then take it out,” he explained. delicious. “Sometimes I'd add a bit of bacon for the flavor.”
What other foods do property brothers like?
Yorkshire pudding may be Jonathan's go-to recipe, but it's a little more fancy than the food he and Drew eat regularly. They are huge fans of light meals, such as soups and sandwich combos for lunch or protein smoothies for breakfast. Jonathan loves snacks with chocolate covered almonds, and Drew is a huge pistachio fan.
Their preferences vary for most groceries, but there is at least one thing they agree: sushi. Jonathan says he eats it at least twice a week. Talk about your goals!