Kirklees discussed the developer's scheme at a meeting Thursday, when the developers are about to destroy existing properties and build 87 homes in the town of West Yorkshire.
The wider project team includes Carter Jonas and Leeds-based Loroc Architects.
Located south of Bradford and north of Heckmondwijk, nine acres of land are located in Crifleen.
The site's planning went through many iterations, and the first concept has three apartment blocks, which turned out to be infeasible.
As we returned to a more traditional residential layout, this scheme had to take into account a considerable level of differences and the workings of the historic mine.
At Thursday's meeting, the council is set to delegate approval of the project to the head of planning and development, with S106 conditions including the provision of 16 affordable housing units, a £113,000 open space offsite contribution and £150,000 for education.
The site currently consists of existing buildings and several fields used for grazing.
The building will be demolished and the site will be accessible from Cleanflene, and Estate Road enters the site, roughly heads towards the center, then forks into various roads and splits into smaller roads.
The plan involves two apartment blocks and two- and three-storey homes, with isolated, terraced, semi-detached homes.