In the cold and rainy weather, shoppers, including family and the elderly, need to climb the hill after the city hall to reach the interchange. A 15-20 minute walk for some people, including the disabled.
In front of the Concrete monster planned by the Bradford Council, we had a bus stop and taxi in the center of the city -very convenient and very well functioned. Bradford had a run -in -city center where shops and companies profitable and generally provide services.
However, the leader of the council, Susan Hinchlif and her, have changed Bradford to a long walk to the bus stop. Shops, companies, and taxis have lost their profits and have been forced to close. However, the bureaucrats of the public sector's council continue to work.
Local government elections should remove the Labor Management Council. In addition to the incompetent administration, there are 15 % of Congress taxes.
Bradford people are due to further poverty and difficulties by the Bradford Council and his labor leaders. This must be stopped.
Neil Gardner, Hunter's Park Avenue, Clayton