Jody Miller (41 years old) appeared at York's victim's house around 10:00 pm on April 10, last year. “I'm clearly drunk,” and hit the door.
Nick Peequock, who was charged with the York Crown Coat, told the victim to “avoid the scene.”
The mirror went straight toward the kitchen, where he threw a wine bottle on the wall, pressed the victim, and dragged it into the floor.
When she tried to call the police, the mirror grabbed the phone and broke it. Then he went to the living room, climbed from the window, and knocked on the door again.
The victim thought it was the police and opened the door, where the mirror grabbed his hair, grabbed his hair, and hit his head on the stairs. Later, he chewed his cheek, “shouting her for abuse,” and pulled her to the ground with her hair and dragged it into the garden.
When she told him that the police were in the middle, he said he hated the police.
He was later arrested nearby. The victims taken to the hospital to evaluate the injury were bruises in various parts of her body.
The mirror in York's Westfield Place has acknowledged the actual harm, general assault, damage to the victim's property, and suffered assault.
After being detained after the arrest, Miller appeared in the sentence via a video link.
Peacock said that Miller and the victim -his current partner was on and off, but gradually worsened due to the abuse of the mirror. According to the victims, she was exposed to his previous drinks with his hands.
He stated that all crimes occurred in York's property. Except for the first attack four days before Hull's address, he said he was charged with a general attack.
Miller was 12 previously guilty rulings against 26 crimes. This was mainly not only for acquired crimes, but also for assaulting police officers.
In December 2023, he was imprisoned for crushing the pub door with a racander arms in York's Village Street after attacking a criminal damage with a police officer. These crimes occurred shortly after he was released from 16 weeks of imprisonment because he assaulted another emergency worker.
The victim said that the violent behavior of the mirror caused her severe depression.
She said, “I used her to stay somewhere,” and her family said she was “worried.” She was currently helped by a violent charity in Japan and lived in a shelter.
Mr. Erin Kitson Parker said that his guilty petition is “the only appropriate relaxation,” because the mirror's crime is very serious.
She said that alcohol was a catalyst for his violence, but he realized that his relationship with the victim was now over.
The recorder Peter Make Piece KC explained that Miller's attack was a “long -term, sustainable and serious crime course” that caused “serious fear and pain” to the victims.
He stated that Miller was “using your teeth as a weapon” and that he was under the strict supervision conditions following a former prison stint.
The mirror was imprisoned for 22 months and was eligible for a lifetime suppression order that prohibits contacting the victim. However, his spells behind the bar will be relatively short, as he has already served back.